Dear candidate.

In these times, many people seek new opportunities. The pandemic that rages around us has created unrest and unpredictability in our lives. In addition, when we know that in spending one-third of our time at work and this is the one factor that creates predictability on income, it is important that this part is safe in our lives. But there are many who are struggling and we read daily that large, established industries are falling over and have to take drastic steps such as layoffs and layoffs. Many people feel this now and feel insecurity about their own position. You start small by making a choice to start the job search process. Again others sit “still in the boat” and hope that one day it will pass. For those who think today’s job is unsafe, we’ve created some tips worth thinking through:

Your CV

Is your cv up to date? Does it bring out the most important thing you want to say about yourself? is the language simple and understandable? Do you write just the right distance? Are your references ready? Are they good enough? Do they bring out your personal qualities, your value contributions in the role you had? What would they say about you if a recruiter called them? Have you clarified with them that it’s OK that they’re still making references and what do they really remember about you?


25, 2014, in New York City. As of May 31, 2018, the EU’s new GDPR general data protection scheme came into force. You can read more about how we deal with this but in short we treat your information confidentially until you allow public sharing to potential employers.

Check the company

Business idea; is the company’s business idea clear and clear? Forward-looking?

Vision; does the company’s vision trigger collective drag power and create inspiration for employees? Is it visionary? Innovative? Does it trigger your curiosity?

Goals; Does the company have clear goals? Have they adopted customer satisfaction goals? Employee oriented?

Strategies; How does the company think they should achieve their goals?

Values; What basic values does the company have? What do they say about the culture of the company?


Is the company competitive in the first place? other competitors? What do customers say about the company? What kind of customer focus does the company have? Is the company attractive? What kind of reputation/reputation does the company have?

Preparing for the interview

Make sure you’ve read up on the company’s website. Check reviews about the company. What kind of product does the company supply?

Turnover figures and results; do they make money?

How are they financial?

Who’s in the leadership team? Board?

Who owns the company?

Where are they in the country?

Dress according to how you perceive the company.

Make sure you’re out well in advance.

Put down any questions you have about the company? Think about what kind of questions you will get and what you answer. I’d like to write them down.

Why should
get the position?

What will you contribute in fht. what is required in the position?

What would Reference X say about you?

What do you expect from your next employer?

And tl last … be yourself. Good luck!

Life is too valuable not to have a good job.

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Tips for those applying for a job