Screening interview
A screening interview is a type of job interview that is conducted to determine if you have the qualifications necessary to do the job that the company hires.
A screening interview is usually the first interview in the hiring process if the company does not start with open interviews in which several candidates are shown at an open hiring event. The company can conduct so-called “speed interviews” of 10 minutes duration and where you get feedback on whether you move on to the next level; a deeper interview of 1-1.5 hours, or not.
Phone interview
Employers and recruitment companies use phone interviews to identify and to pre-qualify candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to limit the scope of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews. The interview can also take place by phone, Skype or Online video meetings via Zoom or MS Teams as a preferred way the company chooses to conduct during this phase.

First personal interview
The first job interview is usually a one-on-one interview between the applicant, the head of the company’s department and possibly a recruiter. The interviewer will question the applicant’s experience and skills, work history, availability and qualifications the company is looking for to find the optimal candidate for the job. Here, the interview can also take place by phone, Skype or Online video meetings via Zoom or MS Teams.
Other personal interviews
The second personal interview may be a more in-depth one-on-one interview with the person you originally interviewed with, or it could be a multi-hour interview that includes meetings with company employees. You may have a meeting with the management and other employees of the company. You can also receive a specific task to prepare and present into the meeting so that the company sees how you would have mastered the task. It is also natural that you as a candidate ask more in-depth questions about the company and the position.

Third personal interview
Recruitment is often a time-consuming process where the purpose is to ensure that one is right for each other. It is important that both parties do their part to ensure this. From the company’s side, you may be asked to proceed with the task you received in the previous step and to present a deeper and more detailed answer. Think of this as a great opportunity because now you’re among the few people picked – so keep your courage and motivation up! A third interview usually involves a final meeting with the hiring manager and may provide the opportunity to meet more of your potential colleagues. Here you also have an opportunity to ask more questions you may wonder about. Remember to keep professionalism at all time!
Final interview
The final interview is the final step in the interview process and interview where you can find out if you are going to get a job offer or not. Here is information on how to prepare for an interview when you have already met the company several times, and advice on how to handle a final interview important. Think about what kind of questions you’ve already received and which ones you think you’ll be able to get now. If you are in the process of other positions, it is an advantage to play this out now in an honest way. If so, tell them how far you have come in the process and if you have been given a deadline to provide feedback. This is valuable for the company so they know what deadlines they have to deal with. At the same time, your deadline may be too short for them to make a decision, therefore be prepared for this to emerge.

Reference check
You can receive a job offer that is conditional on a reference/background check and/or a credit check that checks if you have a flawless habit (certificate; check https://www.politiet.no/tjenester/politiattest/). Or a background check can be performed before a company offers a job. What the company learns during background checks can cause you to not receive a job offer or the job offer to be withdrawn. A straightforward rule is to have all your testimonials and references clear, in pdf, and that you attach a supplementary reference document that explains in more detail what the task and role were, what projects you were working on, what was the challenge, what was the result and who can confirm this. It is also nice that in advance of a reference check you clarify with your references whether it is OK that they ask and feel free to review what you have written as a summary of your role in that company. Also send them this electronically so they know what you have written.
Offer of employment
Once you have made it through the interview process, the final step will be a job offer. The job offer may have conditions related to the position, so carefully review the terms. Before accepting, it is important to evaluate the compensation package, consider whether you want to make a counter-offer, and then accept (or reject) the offer in writing.

The notice period
Once you have signed the agreement, it is natural that you look forward to starting a new job.
You tell friends about the new job and you start more and more to prepare both mentally for the new job and you start to check more about the company on their website and in social media. Keep in mind that it is important that you leave a professional impression with your current employer and still stand in the position and finish with the same quality. They will next be your reference.
The first days at work often go along to get to know the company, you visit and are introduced to the different departments and maybe spend a little extra time with the ones that you want the most to do in everyday life. Keep in mind that here too it is important that you present yourself clearly and think through what you say in relation to the various questions that come up.
Good luck!